Please answer the following questions to see how good you’ve been!

Do you mind your parents and other adults?
  • Yes, I have great respect for my elders
  • Most of the time, unless I really want to have my way
  • Sometimes, unless it’s my big brother or sister
  • I talk back to them a lot, because they don’t know what they’re talking about
Do you always tell the truth?
  • Yes, I am very honest
  • Eventually, but it might take a couple days
  • Most of the time, but sometimes it’s easier to fib
  • Not if I’m going to get a spanking!
Do you listen to your teacher?
  • Always – you can learn a lot from your teacher
  • Most of the time, unless I get distracted
  • Sometimes, unless my friend is asking me something
  • Only when the teacher mentions my name
Do you eat all your vegetables?
  • Absolutely – they are good for you
  • I eat green vegetables only
  • If they smell funny I won’t eat them
  • Ick! Not a chance!!
How much time do you spend on your homework?
  • At least an hour each night and sometimes more
  • As much as necessary to complete all my assignments
  • I do just enough to get by
  • Let’s just say I’m not the teacher’s pet uses cookies.

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